Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Agamemnon - Part I & II (1981)
"These were one of many obscure Swiss symphonic progressives, typical of such Teutonic styled bands who originated in the mid to late-1970's. Derivative, yet also quite inventive, Agamemnon had a distinctly Pink Floyd type cosmic symphonic edge, akin to earlier albums by German bands like Eloy, Pancake, Jane, or more so, often close to Faithful Breath's similarly otherworldly debut album FADING BEAUTY.

In keeping with the title PART I & II, Agamemnon's sole album had just two lengthy tracks (one per side), with vast instrumentals, and seems to be some sort of strange and fanciful concept opus. An obscure privately issued relic, it's an album that is worth seeking out by fans of the late-1970's indie progressive style." (Crack in the Cosmic Egg)

The Gnosis 2000 website gives this album a higher rating than Pink Floyd's "The Wall"!

1. Agamemnon's Youth - Agamemnon, King of Mykene 19:45
2. Agamemnon at Troja - Agamemnon's Death 19:39

Urs Ritter - drums
Erich Kuster - vocals, guitars, organ
Walter Rothmund - bass, keyboards
Werner Kuster - piano, keyboards, guitars, flute


Part 1__Part 2



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! Love this album but the two tracks always seem much too short.


3:01 AM, December 09, 2009  
Blogger GarColga said...

Hi frumpy!

4:56 PM, December 09, 2009  
Blogger vanDiemerbroucke said...

"The Gnosis 2000 website gives this album a higher rating than Pink Floyd's "The Wall"!"

That is not too hard to understand.

This is just a bloody good record.


8:28 AM, December 12, 2009  
Blogger GarColga said...

Hello Tchuss !

12:58 PM, December 12, 2009  
Blogger Likedeeler said...

Looking forward to listening. Thanks!

9:06 AM, February 13, 2010  
Blogger GarColga said...

Hello Marc - hope things are going well for you!

11:08 PM, February 13, 2010  
Blogger Unknown said...

How do i download? the link redirect me to a advertisement´s page

9:01 PM, September 13, 2015  
Blogger GarColga said...

Hi Gabriel this blog is long dead, that link is 6 years old! I'm pretty sure I still have the files though, if you will email me at garcolga@yahoo.com I will do my best to upload them for you and I'll send you the links.

5:10 AM, September 14, 2015  

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